The cake is not just a sweet and creamy food item but a way of expressing emotions and tokens to appreciate someone. Like the revolution and advancement in every field, the cake industry also had its advancement, which gave us the fondant cakes.
With the help of fondant cakes, we can make someone smile by getting the cake designed to complement his/her personality and interests.
Today, in this cake-special write-up, we will be sharing with you 7 amazing cakes for 7 different types of women. You can present the cakes to the different women you know on their birthdays or any special occasion.
Make-Up Cake
If you know a woman who is a bit more in love with make-up than the other women, then a Make-Up Cake is the best for her. The cake comes topped with miniatures of make-up products like lipstick, face powder, and mirror. You can ask the baker to add anything to the cake you want or a cosmetic product of the brand loved by the woman you want to surprise.
Sports Theme Cake
Women are ruling the sports like a pro, and if you know a woman who is in sports, then you can make her happy with a Sports Theme Cake. You can get the cake baked in the shape of a football, cricket bat, swimming pool, or any other thing which is used in the sports that she plays.
Travel Theme Cake
For a woman who loves travelling a lot, a cake topped with a fondant car and a caricature of a girl driving it would be the best. This cake will adore her love for travelling, and she will be extremely happy with your thoughtful gesture.
Barbie Cake
This cake is best for the woman who is as cute as Barbie and has an interest in dolls. Most of the Barbie cake includes the upper-half of the Barbie body in plastic and the rest made wide the cream and fondant.
The Corporate Woman Cake
Women not only excel at the art of running and managing a home but also a business. Millions of women are working in the corporate sector and are helping businesses to grow. So, a cake topped with a caricature of women in corporate attire will be great to appreciate the corporate woman you know.
The Masterchef Woman Cake
If your mother, your sister, or your wife or all of them cooks delicious food at home just like the MasterChef of a 5-star restaurant, then you can adore their cooking skill with a Masterchef Woman Cake. The cake will be topped with a woman in Masterchef attire and with miniatures of a gas stove and some cooked food items.
Social Keeda Cake
You must have heard about the bookworm but have heard about the term Social Networking Keeda? If you know a woman who spends most of her free time scrolling up and down on the social networking sites, then a cake baked in the shape of or topped with logos of all the social networking sites is great to make her smile.
You can opt for the best online birthday cake shop if you want to surprise your beloved female with fondant on her birthday.